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2022 census

Information about how we planned and ran the census in 2022

  1. How we built on lessons from the last census and worked with other UK censuses.

  2. Find out about the steps we go through before publishing information from the census.

  3. Check some key facts and figures from the 2022 census collection phase.

  4. Keep up-to-date with the latest from Scotland's Census 2022.

  5. Details of the new questions and new approaches for the census in 2022.

  6. The International Steering Group will provide advice and assurance to Scotland's Census 2022.

  7. Information on some key decisions that were taken about how we should run the census.

  8. Key milestones on the way to the 2022 census including the rehearsal in 2019.

  9. Question development, the design of the census questionnaire, and our design objectives and principles.

  10. Processes and methods we use to make sure census data is accurate and complete.

  11. Maximising response, publicising the census, and how we'll follow up individuals and households who do not respond.

  12. The laws that underpin the 2022 census.

  13. How we work to publish census outputs in line with the UK Statistics Authority's code of practice.

  14. How we give our data users, our suppliers and our delivery partners confidence that we're on track to deliver a successful census.

  15. We have awarded contracts for several parts of our service.

  16. Read about our plans to launch a consultation on how best to publish census outputs.

  17. Details on what we plan to publish as part of census outputs