Census outputs schedule
The outputs release schedule page is where we share our plans for publishing census outputs. This includes details on the timing for publications and what will be included in each release.
This page will be updated regularly as we prepare to publish census outputs.
Census outputs release schedule
Flexible Table Builder
Release 1 of the Flexible Table Builder includes data down to electoral wards. Data for smaller geographies and the sexual orientation and trans status or history variables will be published 26 March 2025.
Population estimates |
21 May 2024 |
Population by age and sex at all geographies down to output area (unrounded) Number of households at all geographies down to output area (unrounded) The 2022 output area boundaries will also be made available for download |
Topic data |
21 May 2024
Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion
13 June 2024
27 June 2024
Sexual orientation and trans status or history
1 August 2024
22 August 2024
11 September 2024
Education, labour market and travel to work
3 October 2024
Health, disability and unpaid care On 21 November we included a combined figure for people who reported a learning disability, learning difficulty or developmental disorder. This is the total number of people who ticked one or more of the three boxes. |
27 November 2024 |
Multivariate census outputs - release 1 Flexible Table Builder will allow combination of variables in the same table. Published down to electoral ward |
10 December 2024 |
Census Maps Census Maps will allow users to explore census data for their local area and areas across Scotland. |
26 March 2025 |
Multivariate census outputs - release 2 Flexible Table Builder will allow combination of variables in the same table. Published down to data zone. Pre-built census tables will be published down to output areas (made up of approximately 50 households). |
Analysis products |
2025 |
Analytical reports - further analysis of key census topics |
Microdata - samples of anonymised census records. Made available to accredited researchers in secure settings |
Origin-destination data - statistics describing the movement of people, including migration and travel to work or study |
Workplace and daytime population data - census data published using alternative population bases |
First release of census outputs
The first release of census data was published on 14 September 2023. This release included:
- Population estimates by age and sex at Scotland and Local Authority level (rounded)
- Number of households estimates at Scotland and Local Authority level (rounded)
Alongside the data tables we published commentary and analysis including comparisons results against previous censuses. We also published supporting information on our quality assurance process and the methods used to produce these estimates.
Unrounded population estimates
The second release of census outputs was published 21 May 2024. This release included:
- Population estimates by single year of age and sex at all geographies down to output area (unrounded)
Households estimates by household size at all geographies down to output area (unrounded)
- Estimates of the usually resident population by whether living in a household or communal establishment at Scotland and Local Authority level (rounded)
Output areas are made up of approximately 50 households.
Alongside this release we will publish commentary and analysis and update supporting information published where appropriate. The 2022 output area boundaries will also be made available for download.
Topic data
Topic data tables include one variable, for example marital status or ethnic group.
We published data for our final topic on 3 October 2024.
We published a breakdown of topic variables by age and sex. These breakdowns were generally available for the Scotland and Local Authority geographies. For some variables we were able to publish at lower geography levels.
The following topics were covered during this phase:
- Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion
- Armed Forces veterans
- Sexual orientation and trans status or history
- Demography and migration
- Housing
- Education, labour market and travel to work
- Health, disability and unpaid care
Data tables are available in the Census Data section of the website.
We also published commentary and metadata, for each topic.
Write in responses
Write in responses to the questions from the Ethnicity, National Identity, Language and Religion topic were published on 3 October 2024. Write in responses to the sexual orientation and trans status or history questions were published on 27 June 2024.
Multivariate / Build your own tables
Release 1 will of the Flexible Table Builder includes data down to electoral ward. Release 2 will be published on 26 March 2025 and will include data down to data zone, subject to statistical disclosure controls.
We will also publish additional pre-built census tables in this phase down to output area.
The introduction of the Flexible Table Builder has reduced the need for pre-built tables. But we have agreed to produce a selection of standard tables like those from 2011 where a user need was identified.
Census Maps
Users can explore census data for their local area and areas across Scotland using census maps.
Analytical reports
After publishing the census topic data, we will work on analytical reports for a number of topics. These reports will provide further insight into the 2022 census data and provide evidence for policymakers across Scotland and the UK.
We identified strong user need for analytical reports on the following topics:
- Equalities
- Gaelic
- Health
- Inhabited islands
- Sexual orientation
- Trans status or history
- Armed Forces veterans
Microdata are small samples of anonymised records for whole households and individuals, which include some associated census characteristics. We aim to publish our microdata in 2025.
Microdata products enable researchers to look at combinations of characteristics that are not generally available from the standard census tables, and to perform different types of analyses not possible from standard tabulations.
Origin destination statistics describe the movement of people. This includes migration (from their address one year prior to the census) or travel to work or study (from their current address to their workplace address or place of study). We aim to publish Origin-Destination outputs from the 2022 census in 2025.
We will publish flow tables which show basic flows between areas, univariate tables cross-tabulate flows with one other variable, and multivariate tables cross tabulate flows with more than one variable.
Workplace and daytime
The main population base for standard statistical outputs from Scotland's Census will be the usually resident population. However, the information collected in the census on travel to work/study also enables statistics to be produced for two alternative population bases: workplace population and daytime population. We plan to publish workplace and daytime outputs in 2025.
Approach to outputs and consultation
When we publish outputs from the 2022 census, we want to help users:
- access as much census information as legally possible
- use the latest technology to access and analyse data
To finalise our plans for census outputs we held an outputs consultation. This covered a number of aspects of our plans for publishing census outputs.
We asked users to give us their views on:
- the order and sequencing of topics published
- the tools we use to publish data
- the geographical levels that data is published at
- how changes to census questions impact users’ planned work/research
- what they need from the new census questions
Read more about the consultation and our responses to the feedback received.