Do you use census data? We'd like your feedback.

Promoting Scotland's Census 2022

Ahead of the census, we launched a nationwide marketing campaign to promote it to the people of Scotland.

The campaign informed people about:

  • the census and when we were running it
  • how they could take part
  • the benefits of the census to Scotland's future public services

The campaign involved advertising on TV, radio and social media across Scotland.  We also made use of advertising spaces like billboards, bus stops and public transport.


To inform our work to promote the census, we ran 2 audience research projects.

The first told us what people already know and understand about the census. It also asked what would encourage people to complete the census.

The second focussed on how the COVID-19 pandemic had changed people's views of the census.

Stakeholder engagement

Engaging with stakeholders was a key part of raising the profile of the census and maximising response. Our stakeholders represented:

  • people who use census data
  • organisations or groups we have worked with to develop census questions
  • communities or organisations who represent groups who historically have lower awareness or engagement with the census

You can view details of past and future stakeholder events on our events page.