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Analytical reports

Analytical reports give further insight into data from the 2011 census.

They help to provide evidence for policymakers across Scotland and the UK.

People with a learning disability or developmental disorder

A series of 8 reports that investigate populations with learning disabilities or developmental disorders in Scotland.

These reports compare these populations to trends in the general population. They identify any patterns of vulnerabilities or inequalities for people with learning disabilities and developmental disorders.

These reports were developed in collaboration with Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory.

Download reports on people with a learning disability or developmental disorder

Gaelic language report

A report in 2 parts that covers statistics on Gaelic language use in Scotland from the 2011 census.

This report is available in English and Gaelic.

Download the Gaelic language report

Inhabited islands analytical report

A report covering key 2011 census results relating to Scotland's inhabited islands. It compares the characteristics of inhabited islands with Scotland as a whole.

Download the inhabited islands report

Household composition for specific groups of people

This report on the 2011 census covers household composition and living arrangements for all people in households and:

  • dependent children
  • people aged between 20 and 34
  • people aged 65 and over

Download the household composition for specific groups of people report

Migrants from outside the European Economic Area

A report providing background to the statistics relating to migration from the 2011 census. This was produced as part of the Migration Matters project, and has a focus on the pilot councils which were involved in the project.

Download the migrants from outside the EEA report

Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland

A report that analyses key areas such as health, education, housing, transport and economic indicators to reveal important information on the lives and life chances of Gypsy/Travellers.

Read the Gypsy/Travellers report on the Scottish Government website.

Analysis of characteristics of 18-19 year olds not in employment, education, or training

Findings from an analysis of people aged 18 and 19 who are not in employment, education or training.

Read the analysis of characteristics of 18-19 year olds not in employment, education, or training report on the Scottish Government website

Health inequality and ethnicity in Scotland

A report that uses 2011 census data to look at the differences in health across ethnicities in Scotland.

Read the health inequality and ethnicity report on the Scottish Government website

Equality results

A report in two parts that pulls together statistics from the 2011 census and other sources to paint a picture of equality in Scotland.

This report is hosted on the Scottish Government website.

Read equality results part one at the Internet Archive

Read equality results part two on the Scottish Government website

Characteristics of recent and established EEA and non-EEA migrants in Scotland

Findings from the 2011 census on characteristics and experiences of recent and established migrants living in Scotland.

Read the characteristics of recent and established migrants report on the Scottish Government website.