Do you use census data? We'd like your feedback.

Contact us

Send us a message

Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Please provide as much information as possible to help us respond quickly. If you need a response by post, please provide your full address.

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We'll only use this to reply to your enquiry. We will not use your email address for marketing or any other purposes.

Your enquiry

Limit is 1200 characters

Please do not include any personal information in your message.

Phone us

Call the National Records of Scotland phone helpline on 0131 202 0451.

The helpline is open:

  • Monday to Friday: 10am - 12pm

Media enquires

If you have a media or press enquiry, you can contact our communications team directly.


Our postal address is:

Scotland's Census
National Records of Scotland
New Register House
3 West Register Street