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Concealed families

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived Variable


Whether a household contains any concealed family.

In a household with more than one family, a concealed family is one that does not include the Household Reference Person (HRP).

Concealed family example: George and Amy live at the same address as their daughter Emily and her husband and daughter. Because Emily is not a dependent child and has her own family, there are two families in this household. Family one is George and wife Amy. George is the Family Reference Person (FRP). Family two is daughter Emily, husband Simon and their daughter Eve. Emily is the FRP. As there is more than one family in the household, the FRPs are prioritised to decide who the HRP is. In this household, George is the HRP. This means that Emily's family is a 'concealed family', their HRP is George, and they will be included as part of his household in relevant outputs.


Total number of categories 3

Code Name
2 Concealed family
1 Unconcealed family
-5 No Code Required (Comprises persons not grouped in a family)
  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All families

  • Type

    Derived variable


In a household with more than one family, a concealed family is one that does not include the Household Reference Person (HRP).

An example of this is shown below:

George and Amy live at the same address as their daughter Emily and her husband and daughter. Because Emily is not a dependent child and has her own family, there are two families in this household.

Family one is George and wife Amy. George is the Family Reference Person (FRP).

Family two is daughter Emily, husband Simon and their daughter Eve. Emily is the FRP.

As there is more than one family in the household, the FRPs are prioritised to decide who the HRP is. In this household, George is the HRP.

This means that Emily's family is a 'concealed family', their HRP is George, and they will be included as part of his household in relevant outputs.


Total number of categories 3

Code Name
1 Concealed family (does not include the HRP)
2 Unconcealed family
X No code required - comprises all persons not in families

Source question or variables

FAMSER (Derived variable)

FT1 (Derived variable)

HRPPUK11 (Derived variable)

TERMIND (Primary variable