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Dependent children in family

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived Variable


A classification of families living in households based on whether they contain any dependent children.

A dependent child is any person aged 0 to 15 in a household (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16 to 18 who’s in full-time education and living in a family with his or her parent(s) or grandparent(s). It does not include any people aged 16 to 18 who have a spouse, partner or child living in the household.

A family is defined as a group of people who are:
• a married, civil partnership, or cohabiting couple, with or without child(ren),
• a lone parent with child(ren),
• a married, civil partnership, or cohabiting couple with grandchild(ren) but with no children present from the intervening generation, or
• a single grandparent with grandchild(ren) but no children present from the intervening generation.

Children in couple families need not belong to both members of the couple.

For single or couple grandparents with grandchildren present, the children of the grandparent(s) may also be present if they are not the parents or grandparents of the youngest generation present.


Total number of categories 11

Code Name
1 No dependent children in family
2 One dependent child in family aged 0 to 4
3 One dependent child in family aged 5 to 11
4 One dependent child in family aged 12 to 18
5 Two dependent children in family: Youngest aged 0 to 4
6 Two dependent children in family: Youngest aged 5 to 11
7 Two dependent children in family: Youngest aged 12 to 18
8 Three or more dependent children in family: Youngest aged 0 to 4
9 Three or more dependent children in family: Youngest aged 5 to 11
10 Three or more dependent children in family: Youngest aged 12 to 18
-5 No Code Required (Comprises persons not grouped in a family)
  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived variable


A dependent child is any person aged 0 to 15 in a household (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16 to 18 who’s in full-time education and living in a family with his or her parent(s) or grandparent(s). It does not include any people aged 16 to 18 who have a spouse, partner or child living in the household.

A family is defined as a group of people who are:

  • a married, same-sex civil partnership, or cohabiting couple, with or without child(ren),
  • a lone parent with child(ren),
  • a married, same-sex civil partnership, or cohabiting couple with grandchild(ren) but with no children present from the intervening generation, or
  • a single grandparent with grandchild(ren) but no children present from the intervening generation.

Children in couple families need not belong to both members of the couple.

For single or couple grandparents with grandchildren present, the children of the grandparent(s) may also be present if they are not the parents or grandparents of the youngest generation present.


Total number of categories 20

Code Name
01 No dependent children
02 One dependent child aged 0-4
03 One dependent child aged 5-7
04 One dependent child aged 8-9
05 One dependent child aged 10-11
06 One dependent child aged 12-15
07 One dependent child aged 16-18
08 Two dependent children, youngest aged 0-4
09 Two dependent children, youngest aged 5-7
10 Two dependent children, youngest aged 8-9
11 Two dependent children, youngest aged 10-11
12 Two dependent children, youngest aged 12-15
13 Two dependent children, youngest aged 16-18
14 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 0-4
15 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 5-7
16 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 8-9
17 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 10-11
18 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 12-15
19 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 16-18
XX No code required - comprises schoolchildren and full-time students living away from home during term-time, persons not in a family and persons in other related families

Source question or variables

AGE (Derived variable)

DCHPUK11 (Derived variable)

FAMSER (Derived variable)

FT1 (Derived variable)

GENINFAM (Derived variable)

TERMIND (Primary variable)

Known Quality Issues

This variable relies on relationship data, which include some known quality issues.  These are summarised on the Data Quality Issues Page.

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All families, UK


This derived variable classifies families by the number of dependent children in the family.


Total number of categories 19

Code Name
01 No dependent children
02 One dependent child aged 0 to 4
03 One dependent child aged 5 to 7
04 One dependent child aged 8 to 9
05 One dependent child aged 10 to 11
06 One dependent child aged 12 to 15
07 One dependent child aged 16 to 18
08 Two dependent children, youngest aged 0 to 4
09 Two dependent children, youngest aged 5 to 7
10 Two dependent children, youngest aged 8 to 9
11 Two dependent children, youngest aged 10 to 11
12 Two dependent children, youngest aged 12 to 15
13 Two dependent children, youngest aged 16 to 18
14 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 0 to 4
15 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 5 to 7
​16 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 8 to 9
17 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 10 to 11
18 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 12 to 15
19 Three or more dependent children, youngest aged 16 to 18