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Living arrangements

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived Variable


The ‘living arrangements’ classification combines responses to the question on marital and civil partnership status with information about whether or not a person is living in a couple. This classification is only applicable to people in households.

Living arrangements differs from marital and civil partnership status because cohabiting takes priority over other categories. For example, if a person is divorced and cohabiting, then in results for living arrangements they are classified as cohabiting.


Total number of categories 12

Code Name
1 Living in a couple: Married (including separated)
2 Living in a couple: Civil partnership (including separated)
3 Living in a couple: Cohabiting
4 Not living in a couple: Single (never married or never registered in a civil partnership)
5 Not living in a couple: Married
6 Not living in a couple: Registered civil partnership
7 Not living in a couple: Separated (but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership)
08 Not living in a couple: Divorced
09 Not living in a couple: Dissolved
10 Not living in a couple: Widowed
11 Not living in a couple: Survived
-5 No code required - comprises people in communal establishments and school children and full-time students living away from home during term-time.

England & Wales and Scotland (2011) comparisons

This variable is directly comparable to the variable produced for Scotland's Census 2011.

The equivalent variable (living_arrangements) produced by ONS for the 2021 Census in England & Wales is broadly comparable.

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived variable


The ‘living arrangements’ classification combines responses to the question on marital and civil partnership status with information about whether or not a person is living in a couple. This classification is only applicable to people in households.

Living arrangements differs from marital and civil partnership status because cohabiting takes priority over other categories. For example, if a person is divorced and cohabiting, then in results for living arrangements they are classified as cohabiting.


Total number of categories 12

Code Name
01 Living in a couple: Married (including separated)
02 Living in a couple: Registered same-sex civil partnership (including separated)
03 Living in a couple: Cohabiting
04 Not living in a couple: Single (never married or never registered a same-sex civil partnership)
05 Not living in a couple: Married
06 Not living in a couple: Registered same-sex civil partnership
07 Not living in a couple: Separated (but still legally married or still legally in a same-sex civil partnership)
08 Not living in a couple: Divorced
09 Not living in a couple: Dissolved
10 Not living in a couple: Widowed
11 Not living in a couple: Survived
XX No code required - comprises people in communal establishments and school children and full-time students living away from home during term-time.

Source question or variables

FT1 (Derived variable)

GENINFAM (Derived variable)

MARSTAT (Primary variable)

RESIDENCE_TYPE (Primary variable)

TERMIND (Primary variable)

Known Quality Issues

This variable relies on relationship data, which include some known quality issues. These are summarised on the Data Quality Issues Page.

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All people in households, UK


This derived variable is created by combining the responses to the question on legal Marital Status (MSTPUK), and the responses to the relationship question. This is an ONS harmonised survey classification.


Total number of categories 9

Code Name
1 Living in a couple: Married (including separated)
2 Living in a couple: Remarried
3 Living in a couple: Cohabiting
4 Not living in a couple: Single
5 Not living in a couple: Married or remarried
6 Not living in a couple: Separated
7 Not living in a couple: Divorced
8 Not living in a couple: Widowed
X ​Not applicable