Do you use census data? We'd like your feedback.

Migrant indicator

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived Variable


A classification of people based on the difference between their census enumeration address and their address one year prior to the census. It provides an indicator of the movement of people within the UK, and also of those who have migrated into the UK from abroad, in the year prior to the census.


Total number of categories 5

Code Name
0 Same as the address of enumeration
1 Student term-time/ boarding school address
2 Migrant from within UK
3 Migrant from outside UK
-5 No code required - comprises schoolchildren and full-time students living away from home during term time. Children aged under 1 year old.

Source question or variables

Question 11 - One year ago, what was you usual address?

  • The address on the front of the questionnaire
  • Student term time/boarding school address in the UK, please write in below:
  • Another address in the UK, please write in:
  • Outside the UK, please write the country

Reason for asking

Information on migration is used extensively for a range of purposes such as analysis of long term patterns of migration and as a basis for estimating migrant communities who may have particular needs in order to support resource allocation and/or service provision.

England & Wales and Scotland (2011) comparisons

This variable is directly comparably with the variable produced for Scotland's Census 2011.

This variable is directly comparably with the equivalent variable produced by ONS for the 2021 Census in England & Wales (migrant_ind).

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived variable


A classification of people based on the difference between their census enumeration address and their address one year prior to the census. It provides an indicator of the movement of people within the UK, and also of those who have migrated into the UK from abroad, in the year prior to the census.


Total number of categories 5

Code Name
0 Same as the address of enumeration
1 Student term-time/ boarding school address
2 Migrant from within UK
3 Migrant from outside UK
X No code required - comprises schoolchildren and full-time students living away from home during term time. Children aged under 1 year old.

Source question or variables

AGE (Derived variable)

PERSNUM (Primary variable)

TERMIND (Primary variable)

YRADIND (Primary variable)

YRADINT (Primary variable)

YRADPC (Primary variable)

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All people, UK


A migrant is a person with a different address one year before the Census to that on Census Day. The migrant status for children aged under one in households is determined by the migrant status of their 'next of kin' (defined as in order of preference, mother, father, sibling (with nearest age), other related person, Household Reference Person).


Total number of categories 4

Code Name
0 Same as address of enumeration
1 No usual address one year ago
2 Migrant from within UK (postcode in MIGPCPUK)
3 Migrant from outside UK (country code in MIGPCPUK)