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Latest from Scotland's Census

  1. The next phase of Scotland’s Census 2022 gets underway today with the launch of the Census Coverage Survey (CCS).

    13 Jun 2022

  2. National Records of Scotland has published its latest national and local authority level census return data.

    9 Jun 2022

  3. Scotland’s Census 2022 has a ‘solid foundation’ on which to build, according to the chair of the expert ‘International Steering Group’

    2 Jun 2022

  4. Tomorrow is the last day to complete Scotland’s Census, as National Records of Scotland (NRS) confirms the close down of their public awareness campaign and census collection field teams on 31 May.

    30 May 2022

  5. Over two million households have opted to complete the census online, according to new figures released by National Records of Scotland today.

    28 May 2022

  6. Of Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities, 25 now have a census return rate of over 85%, National Records of Scotland confirmed today.

    26 May 2022

  7. Householders have just one week left to complete Scotland’s Census 2022.

    24 May 2022

  8. The first of Scotland’s 32 Local Authority areas have achieved a 90% return rate for the census – and more than half have now reached 85%, National Records of Scotland (NRS) confirmed today.

    23 May 2022

  9. More than 37,500 households have started but not yet submitted their census online

    22 May 2022

  10. With less than two weeks remaining to complete Scotland’s Census 2022, the nation’s towns and cities will be getting additional support this weekend to help people fulfil their legal responsibility.

    19 May 2022